This is not comprehensive so please read the book

- Pain Perception, role of Gate Pain Theory, Sympathetic Nervous System, Depression, Anxiety, and Motivation to get help, level of functioning and pain perception
- Pain and Euthanasia
- Main causes of death among children
- Children’s understanding of death, developmental differences
- Working with terminally ill children
- Drop in lung cancer rates in middle-aged adults
- the relationship between physical pain and social pain
- Dying, denial, and interpersonal communication in families
- importance of quality of life assessments
- Depression and chronic illness
- Advance Directives, Medical Proxy
- Physician Assisted Suicide
Essays will cover the following: Be able to discuss the following highlighting the main issues and discuss the implications. Also be prepared to discuss your own thoughts and concerns.
“Time Bomb: Oxycontin Addiction”
Bill Moyer’s “A Different Kind of Care” and “A Death of One’s Own”